Cash insights

See around corners with AI insights & alerts

Turn financial data into strategic intelligence with AI that monitors your cash 24/7, predicts risks, and uncovers hidden opportunities.

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Trusted by modern finance teams at leading enterprises


Financial intelligence to drive action

Predictive intelligence

Spot trends, anomalies, risks, and opportunities before they impact your bottom line.

Smart alerts & rules

Create custom rules & receive proactive alerts about critical changes to your treasury & liquidity.

Context-aware analysis

Get insights tailored to your business's unique patterns, seasonality, and financial structure.

Always improving insights

Give feedback on insights to improve the AI. Every interaction tunes the model better for your business.

AI insights in your inbox

Stay informed with daily or weekly insight summaries delivered straight to your inbox, highlighting what matters.

Built on enriched data

Powered by Statement’s proprietary data enrichment engine, ensuring insights are accurate and actionable.

"I check my Statement dashboard first thing in the morning, every day. It tells me where we stand, and how we look in the short- and long-term future. It's a critical tool."

Master your cash with ease

You work hard to manage cash - now it's time for an easier way.

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